An Attitude of Gratitude...
Happiness is a perplexing concept. I, like millions of others, live by the unwritten and elusive belief that happiness is a deserved emotion for the individual. The way our country exists has a certain sense of 'me-ness' about it. I consistently fall into the trap of thinking if I buy certain things, i'll be happy. Or if I travel around the world to 'find myself', then i'll be happy. For some people it might be: "if I had a boyfriend, i'd be happy" or "if I won the lottery, then happiness would be mine". All these thought processes have one thing in common: they're selfish cognitions. They run on a basis of: if I get this, then I'll be happy. Recent studies however have shown that happiness is created in quite the opposite way. Happiness has been proved to be directly linked with gratitude. I came across this correlation on a youtube channel called SoulPancake, on a video entitled "The Science Of Happiness". ...