How Dare They?

Newspapers. News Broadcasts. Radio. They all talk of it. This disease. This danger, advancing. We see them coming. Across the sea. How dare they? They're invading our space, seeking our benefits. Two worlds are colliding; the clean and the unclean. They're here to muddy our pure waters. They want in on our society, a culture of safety and prosperity. How dare they? We have to protect our own interests. We are under threat. Asylum seekers? As if. They should be admitted to one. Here they come, marching across Europe Making the comfortable uncomfortable. How dare they? There they linger, in pitiful camps. Tarpaulin shelters and gravel playgrounds. They are rife with scabies and gangrene. Boatloads of them on the horizon, What idiot believes that the water is safer than the land? They're wasting coastguards' time. How dare they? There are bodies now. Hundreds of them. Decomposing in lorries. Bei...