Lets not let fear inhibit our humanity.

It's been 72 hours since the attacks in Paris, and I have to say, I can't remember the last time I experienced an event so emotionally and mentally draining without being a physical part of it. Cycling in the gym last night, I was positioned right in front of the BBC news channel TV, which showed scenes of the Paris terror on a loop for a solid 40 minutes. I do not want to watch the footage that captured the moment the explosion went off outside the stadium anymore. I do not want to watch the video of someone clinging to the edge of a second floor window whilst innocent citizens clamber over bodies that were shot down outside the arts theatre. I do not wan t to read about the names of the terrorists that attacked Paris. I want to remember the #PorteOuverte hashtag offering safety to all those seeking refuge in the aftermath. I want to consider the taxi drivers who turned off all their meters to give lifts to citizens who were out in the open. I want to lis...