The rich are getting richer.... and more educated

If there's two things I'm passionate about, its Education and trying to combat poverty. So when the Psychology department at Bath emailed its students about a 'Psychology in the Pub' talk entitled 'The Educational Binds of Poverty' I didn't really have an excuse not to go... Ceri Brown, a lecturer in the department of education at the University of Bath gave the talk, which was based on the content of her latest book: ‘Educational Binds of Poverty: The lives of school children’. The talk was fantastic and insightful, and did a brilliant job of demonstrating the intimate relationship between poverty and educational achievement, and how they directly effect eachother. The first section of the talk highlighted how the government and current policy adopt a punitive approach to truancy, and often blame the parents for supposedly allowing school absence, and for the child's apparent lack of aspiration. The government's introduction of fines for ...