Grammar Schools: the wrong answer to the right question

Dear Theresa May, In the current political, social and economic climate, the promise to build a country that works for everyone is a welcome one, and you are having to contend with a history of Tory decisions that has meant that in too many circumstances, our country only works for the wealthy and elite. However, in light of your new education reforms that involve lifting the ban on grammar schools, you will forgive me for merely lumping you in with your predecessors as you implement regressive reforms under the disguise of 'improving social mobility'. I know you intend to put measures in place to encourage more children from families with low socioeconomic status (SES) to apply to grammar schools, but I'm afraid the barriers for these children go deeper than you might think, and your approach is exclusive and damaging. A quota that works on the basis of lowering the pass grade for lower income families would be ineffective. Amongst children who ach...