
Showing posts from October, 2016


**This is a blog post of two halves... the first half I wrote whilst slightly inebriated after a night out last week. The second half I wrote this evening AKA not  slightly inebriated... ** Part 1: So it's definitely 2.43am on Saturday morning, and I've definitely just got back from a night out at freshers week and no less than an hour ago I was definitely dancing with The Hoosiers. You're probably wondering why I'm not stuffing my face with kebab or forgetting to take my makeup off, but this blog post has been a long time coming. All week in fact. Lets start from the beginning. I enjoy having a few drinks. I like that it's a sociable activity, I enjoy unwinding at the end of a week with drinks and friends. And freshers week is a great opportunity to socialise with people and have a few beverages... But the extent of alcohol I have witnessed so far this week has got me thinking. The extremes of the UK's drinking culture is bizarre.  Li...