Life Updates and the Irony of this blog...

Wow. So it's been a while.

This blog was set up as a cunning ploy to embellish my personal statement in the hope that admissions tutors would think I was a conscientious student who had their shit togoether and deserved a place at university.
In case anyone's missed the past 5 or so months, update: I made it to university. 
Bath university to be precise. 
Studying psychology... I am a psychology student ... and these are my thoughts... looks like we've come full circle.

In light of a wondrous christmas holiday in which many a winter walk were taken, the regular dustings of frost got me reflecting on, well, life...

Despite only starting a little over 4 months ago, so much has happened in my first term at university I can barely begin to describe the plethora of shenanigans that have taken place. It would appear that I've taken up lacrosse, though I am about as good as lacrosse as I am budgeting for my living expenses. Turns out sainsbury's basic rice krispies aren't all they're *snap*, *pop* and crack-led up to be... (oh dear)
The Christian Union is very much another important part of my average week at uni. God has shown himself to me in ways I had never noticed before, and I fully intend on keeping him in the loop however busy I get. It makes for far more exciting day to day living. The CU weekend away in October was particularly fun, even if only 6 out of the 36 hours we were there was spent sleeping. Sleep seems to constantly be the missing factor of my life. Apparently early nights don't exist anymore, they are much rather spent catching up on the week's television, watching horror movie's with the flat or frantically trying to write lab reports that you should've started last week. Oh and drinking. I suppose a bit of that happens too.

So, going into the new year, I thought it was probably about time I updated this blog, and continued to update it throughout the year. Whilst Bath is a wonderful university, it does not do particularly well at fostering the last dregs of creativity that survived the brutal feat of A-level revision. So I figured I should probably get off my backside and actually revive the stream of creative juices buried in my brain. 

So may this blog post be the first of many for 2015 - (nervously declares the commitment-phobe...)
I hope this year will be full of productivity and healthy habits...

HAH, who am I kidding?

p.s: turns out blog posts are a lot easier to write late at night than lab reports... 4.30am is a time one should only ever see when going on holiday.


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