Brexistential Crisis...

I cannot begin to fathom what happened in the early hours of the 24th of June. I know I should respect democracy, and the fact that over half of the 72% turn out did indeed vote to leave, and I should probably be taking the optimistic view - lets all just unite and come together to make good out of a rubbish situation. And I'm sure I'll come round to that view eventually. But right now, certainly for the first half of this blog post (which I angrily wrote at work the day of the result), I actually can't. You all know I've been pretty damn vocal during this campaign. You all know I wanted the UK to remain in the European Union. But I don't think even I realised quite how bad it would be if we actually left. And now it's happened. The pound has already devalued beyond belief and big businesses are upping sticks and going across the seas to ensure the economic security of their companies. Wouldn't it be ironic that the solution to people's immigr...