Second year? Completed it mate.

So back in January I wrote a blog post entitled 'Realistic Resolutions' outlining some new years resolutions that I hoped to keep in 2016, and whilst I realise we're only halfway through 2016, I thought I'd do a 6 month update combined with a sort of 'second year of university reflection' blog post. Therefore, if you're not particularly in the mood to read what might well be a fairly narcissistic and egocentric blog post, then maybe return to your Netflix tab and don't bother with this one.

The intensity of second year hit me like a train very early on. Being freshers' crew in freshers' week was so much fun but I don't think I'd properly recovered from it before the onslaught of 2nd year work load began. So first semester was a pretty constant flow of lab reports, and stats reports, and essays and stress. Despite a brief reprieve during a birthday trip to Amsterdam, the work stress continued over christmas with yet more coursework and into revision for January exams. And that's when I wrote my January resolutions blog post, because after the car crash that was first semester, I needed motivation to pick myself back up for second semester. So, did I manage to do that?

I'm inclined to say yes. I think I nailed second semester much much more than first semester, and I think I've narrowed it down to 3 reasons as to why that has been the case.

1. Making the most of being on campus

After some pretty atrocious attendance of lectures in first semester, second semester saw me spending a lot more time on campus. And to be honest, I was pleasantly surprised at how non soul destroying it was. It occurs to me that university campuses are such unique social spaces to students. With (relatively) cheap coffee, comfy chairs, booths and work spaces, there really is no better place to revise, chill out, work or socialise, especially as by spending all day on campus like you would at school, home remains a place solely for relaxation - a kind of psychological separation from your degree and the stress that comes with it.

     2. Branching out and continuing to meet new people

It's so easy, after the whirlwind that is first year, to stick like glue to the people you met in freshers week, and indeed throughout the year. But I've been so lucky to have met so many more new people this year. If you imagine each individual has a network of friends, by getting to know one of your friends' networks, you open yourself up to infinitely more people than sticking to just the people you know. And with new people come new opportunities, and I've really begun to realise this and make the most of it this semester.

    3. Investing time in passions

This is probably a super obvious one but honestly, making sure you spend time doing what you love really does make all the other boring menial life tasks so much more bearable. For me this year that's manifested itself in blogging, campaigning, organising a charity hitchhike and ensuring I go on as many adventures as I can physically afford as frequently as possible. After all, it's these things that I'm going to remember years down the line, not that ANOVA stats report I stressed over for weeks.

So, considering second semester has been made bearable through these 3 things, I suppose it's time to assess whether or not I've succeeded in my January resolutions so far...

1. Start actually getting changed out of your pyjamas into normal clothes in the morning even if you don't intend on leaving the house. Sometimes just looking like a productive person can make you more productive.
Success! Spending all day on campus has meant that I've definitely been getting changed out of my pyjamas... but even on days where I need to be super productive, I've found that making myself look like a together woman (actual coordinate outfit, makeup and hair on fleek) makes me act like a together woman too.

2. Replace some of the time you spend watching youtube/netflix with listening to podcasts or music and using your cool colouring book you got for your birthday.
Success again! I recently finished season 2 of Serial, a podcast that thoroughly investigates high profile and controversial cases about current affairs - in this case, the case of Bowe Bergdahl and his supposed desertion in Afghanistan. However, I haven't used that colouring book I got for my birthday since December...

3. Play more card games and board games with your friends and family because they're fun and you're super competitive and therefore will win. Always.
I can't say I've done this all that well. Do drinking games involving cards count? :/

4. Take incremental steps towards being more vulnerable with people, because you're crap at it and it might (maybe potentially probably not) do you good.
Hmmmm. Yes. Maybe. I think i'm getting better at this.

5. Begin to realise that success in academia or jobs or earthly things is not the be all and end all, in fact, train yourself to recognise that its merely a tiny portion of your life.
Ironically, this is something I always realise with hindsight, but I'm afraid my several breakdowns during the summer exam period would suggest I haven't successfully completed this one.

6. Stop stressing over the life you wish you lead and enjoy the one you have despite all the revision and assignments and early mornings because being happy is better than being down. I think I can say that second semester has been a great example of managing to do this one. I'd even go as far as to say that I'm pretty proud of myself for the stuff I've done in 2016 so far.

Okay so where does this leave me now? I have a job in Bath over the summer, so will be earning money and trying to be a self-sufficient human. Then I start my placement year in the new academic year. I guess I'm hoping that everything I've done and learnt this year has set me up nicely to do well in every opportunity that will be coming my way in the next few months. The prospect of a summer 'holiday' being spent away from home and working 9-5 5 days a week is daunting to say the least, but who knows, maybe my experience will be so profound and pivotal in my transition into adulthood that it'll inspire yet another reflective and cringey blog post just like this one for you all to enjoy.

You can't say I don't spoil you!

Eve out. *mic drop*


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