I'm running for SU President

If you know me well, this won't come as a surprise. And I kind of hope that even if you don't know me that well, this won't come as a surprise either. I'm running to be your next SU President. If you can't be bothered with long blog posts and would rather just read in bullet points why you should vote for me, you can follow this link to my manifesto: https://www.thesubath.com/elections/officers/eve-alcock-2018/ or watch some manifesto videos on my Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/eveforprez/ (don't worry - it's quality content. I won't spam you). But if you can and don't mind an insight into my motivations and hopes going into campaign week, then by all means read on! Let me be clear when I say that I want the direction and priorities of the SU to be led by you guys as students . And I'm not just talking about the students that are already very involved and vocal about student issues. I'm talking about you who ...