I'm running for SU President

If you know me well, this won't come as a surprise. And I kind of hope that even if you don't know me that well, this won't come as a surprise either.

I'm running to be your next SU President.

If you can't be bothered with long blog posts and would rather just read in bullet points why you should vote for me, you can follow this link to my manifesto: https://www.thesubath.com/elections/officers/eve-alcock-2018/ or watch some manifesto videos on my Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/eveforprez/ (don't worry - it's quality content. I won't spam you).

But if you can and don't mind an insight into my motivations and hopes going into campaign week, then by all means read on!

Let me be clear when I say that I want the direction and priorities of the SU to be led by you guys as students. And I'm not just talking about the students that are already very involved and vocal about student issues. I'm talking about you who has no involvement besides going to Score every week. I'm talking about you who went to 4 skills training sessions just to complete your Bath Award. I'm talking about you who applied to be a Freshers' Week Crew Member just to relive your Freshers' Week even though you should have been looking after those freshers 👀 #AmIRight?

Because at the end of the day, you're all students. And the SU literally exists to represent you. That is its main job. So if it’s only representing the students who've held 15 different committee positions and know everything there is to know about area constitutions, then it’s not really doing its job right is it?

That is why, in the process of writing my manifesto, I spoke to as many of you as I could about what student issues matter to you, and how you'd want the SU to support you with that next year. However I know that theres many of you I haven't spoken to, so I cannot wait to come and talk to you all throughout campaign week to find out more on what you care about! If elected, I promise that I will continually have my eyes open and ear to the ground so that I can respond to issues as they arise, ensuring you continue to steer the direction of your SU.

I've known I've wanted to be an SU Officer ever since my second year. As I got more involved through organising events for RAG and societies, my general confidence grew. I went from being a fairly anxious first year, to someone who not only enjoyed organising and leading teams of people and events, but was told I was good at it too. But for a long time kept the President dream to myself for fear of public failure, and still a real lack of confidence.

But here I am 2 years later, running for President, and I could not be more excited about it. I've been lucky enough to work closely with past SU Officers since my first year through different roles I've had in the SU. I've therefore had glimpses into the role itself; the responsibilities, the pressure, the rewards and the battles: Balancing officer team dynamics, trying to maintain that work/life balance, negotiating with senior management, championing underrepresented voices, organising events and conferences, public speaking. The whole hog.

It's a challenge no doubt, but it’s one I’m ready for. I could not think of a job I'd rather be 'applying' for.

There is no way I would have enjoyed University as much as I have without being so involved in the SU. What started as getting involved with a charity hitchhike to Paris in first year, has completely spiralled into a massive commitment and passion – holding society committee positions, chairing RAG, Diversity and Support Exec Chair, NUS delegate and much more! It is the skills and experiences from these roles that are going to get me the jobs I apply for in the future. It'll be a bonus that I have a degree (hopefully!).

Your years at University can be the most formative years of your life. They help you work out who you are, what you're good at and what you want to do with those talents. University should be a time where you feel invested in and valued as a person. To believe you are important, you have a voice, and that it's worth listening to, changes lives. 

Having had such a positive experience with the SU during my time at Bath, I'm passionate that other students have a chance to have this kind of experience too. I want to do everything in my power to make this happen - and I believe that taking on the role of SU President is the perfect way to do it. That is why I'm running.

I'm confident that my manifesto promises are realistic. I have done my research, whether that be meeting with the Director of First Bus for the Southwest, or checking the feasibility of my ideas with University staff. Yes I have been ambitious, but I believe I've been optimistic, not naive.

So, as we head into what might well be the craziest week of my life so far, make sure you come and say hello to me and my campaign team this week around campus! We'll be in beautiful yellow t-shirts and I promise we’re a lovely bunch. I want to know what matters to you, what you want from your SU, and most of all I want you to believe that I'm the best candidate to achieve it.

I have the experience, passion and dedication that is needed for this role. This week will be a challenge, but I'm fully ready for it. I hope you are too.

Believe in Eve for SU President. #beliEVE


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