Trying to Try and Failing to Fail...
Apparently yesterday was 'Blue Monday'. The concept of 'Blue Monday' derives mainly from a pseudoscientific equation that states the 19th of January 2015 is the most depressing day of the year because of things like the realisation of Christmas weight gain and overall debt levels. Another of these factors is the realisation that New Years Resolutions have most certainly not been kept. The pledge you made to yourself to cut back on carbs and get on the treadmill went out the window when you realised all the left over chocolate from christmas wasn't going to eat itself... This got me thinking about the amount of times I've said to myself I'm going to do something and then not done it... If I had followed through with everything I wanted to do so far in my life, by now I'd probably be a prominent social activist, an author, a well-travelled adventurer, a lot fitter, a lot healthier, and maybe even have become prime minister. The point is...